.: Vote Exchange Guidelines :.
.: Your site must be your original work (content-wise)
.: Your site must be a family appropriate site
.: You must be in competition for more then just a trophy
.: You must send me
weekly reminders
.: You must be very spirited in your team
.: I only VE with sites that I believe to be deserving of
winning. I am tired of sites that do not deserve to win taking home the gold just because of the number of supporters they have
.: Your content must be interesting to me
.: Your site must be aesthetically appealing
.: I vote
a vote for a vote. If you have two links, and I have only one, I will only vote one of your links and alternate every other day
.: I will only VE with sites that have read these rules. If you have read these rules type 'meany poopy' in the form below, next to your name.
.: I am a very friendly person and enjoy having a bond on some level with my supporters. I do not simply vote to win, as the point of web competition is to gain friends of similar interests.
.: If you forget to send me reminders I will not vote for you
.: I don't vote on weekends as that is the busiest time of week for me
.: If you do not vote for me, or read my reminders, I will find out, and you will be removed from my VE list - permanently.
.: I will only vote from
vote URL's I won't vote from one-stop voting pages, as I usually only have 1 link anyways.
.: If you're a Nut like me - do not ask to be personal VE parters, as we are already voting for each other at the board.
If you agree with these rules - please fill out the form below!